S E A R C H  P R O C E S S       
                                         C H A S E  P A R T N E R S



Client Needs Assessment

  • Meet with client and work as a team to define scope of position including required experience, professional skills and personal characteristics

  • Evaluate client's special needs

  • Understand client's business objectives and challenges, culture, organizational relationships and management style

Position Specifications

  • Establish a cohesive set of position specifications outlining position responsibilities, ideal candidate qualifications and success criteria

  • Once finalized by client, these specifications are used as the benchmark against which all candidates are measured


  • Extensive database used to prescreen and highlight prospects

  • Additional customized research performed for each client assignment 

  • Industry and functional expertise ensures a comprehensive network of sources and prospects

Candidate Identification

  • Sources and prospects are contacted to identify and interest qualified candidates

  • Likely prospects are telephone interviewed and evaluated against position specifications

Candidate Interview and Evaluation

  • High quality potential candidates are thoroughly interviewed and evaluated on the basis of experience, professional skills, personal characteristics, management style and potential cultural fit in each client's organization

Presentation of Candidates

  • Meet with client to present candidates who most closely fit the position specification

Candidate/Client Interviews

  • Mutually convenient meeting will be scheduled between the client and each candidate

  • After each interview, follow-up with client and candidate and provide feedback

Referencing of Successful Candidates

  • Once client selects final candidates, individuals are contacted who can provide insights about the candidates' qualifications

  • Review comments given by references with client

Completion of Search

  • Once the final candidate is selected, assist in development and negotiation of compensation package

  • On behalf of the the client, acknowledge all individuals who have been helpful in the search

  • Available to help client with new employee's successful integration into the client organization


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Company profile, competitive edge

Executive Profile
Information about Mary Claire Chase, President, an accomplished search professional